Reverb 10
December 7 – Community
Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
(Author: Cali Harris)
I am not usually one who participates. I am more a listener than a leader. I like to listen, think and absorb information before I figure out how to use it. This year, however, I have found myself to be very bored. And just listening and absorbing isn't quite enough. I've taken two e-courses this year, that have required me to do more than just listen. Holly Becker of Decor8's Blogging Your Way course is a therapy session and blogging boot camp. She really does get to the heart of who you are through reflection, writing and photography, and I found the community of fellow student bloggers to be quite supportive. I knew when I took the course that I was unclear about my goals, but I became almost painfully aware, of just how stuck in my own muck I actually was. This "stuck-ness" led me to a second e-course led by Susannah Conway called Unravelling. This is a fantastic course for those of us needing a bit more self-examination in a gentle and encouraging environment. It can be frightening to uncover the crap you buried at one time for very good reasons. It can also be very liberating to shine a light on said crap and be done with it. It is extraordinarily comforting to do this work with a community of like minded, kind and inspiring fellow Unravellers.
I have found in 2010, an incredibly supportive community online, and more specifically within the e-course environment.
In 2011, I hope to continue to find support from my Unravelling friends. And after I have answered some of my heavily weighted life questions (as in what comes next?!), I want to revisit my Blogging Your Way notes, and find a more cohesive voice for my blog. At the moment, it reflects exactly who I am, confused and somewhat random, but that's okay, I am who I am. I have signed up for a new e-course in 2011 called Mondo Beyondo and hope to find like-minded energetic fellow dreamers who will support my search for more meaning and presence in the new year.
December 7 – Community
Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
(Author: Cali Harris)
I am not usually one who participates. I am more a listener than a leader. I like to listen, think and absorb information before I figure out how to use it. This year, however, I have found myself to be very bored. And just listening and absorbing isn't quite enough. I've taken two e-courses this year, that have required me to do more than just listen. Holly Becker of Decor8's Blogging Your Way course is a therapy session and blogging boot camp. She really does get to the heart of who you are through reflection, writing and photography, and I found the community of fellow student bloggers to be quite supportive. I knew when I took the course that I was unclear about my goals, but I became almost painfully aware, of just how stuck in my own muck I actually was. This "stuck-ness" led me to a second e-course led by Susannah Conway called Unravelling. This is a fantastic course for those of us needing a bit more self-examination in a gentle and encouraging environment. It can be frightening to uncover the crap you buried at one time for very good reasons. It can also be very liberating to shine a light on said crap and be done with it. It is extraordinarily comforting to do this work with a community of like minded, kind and inspiring fellow Unravellers.
I have found in 2010, an incredibly supportive community online, and more specifically within the e-course environment.
In 2011, I hope to continue to find support from my Unravelling friends. And after I have answered some of my heavily weighted life questions (as in what comes next?!), I want to revisit my Blogging Your Way notes, and find a more cohesive voice for my blog. At the moment, it reflects exactly who I am, confused and somewhat random, but that's okay, I am who I am. I have signed up for a new e-course in 2011 called Mondo Beyondo and hope to find like-minded energetic fellow dreamers who will support my search for more meaning and presence in the new year.
Hi there,
just hopped over from Susannah Conway's blog (your comment) and was looking for your email (will email you in a mo!) and saw this. I too have done Susannah's e-course and it (and Susannah) helped and inspired me to run my own e-course which I started this year. It has been amazing (the experimental art e-couse), as I have met so many amazing creative people. Even though many are across the globe, I've made some great new friends and now we're even planning a meet up here in London, UK for those who can make it. I am so grateful and thankful to the wonderful community of people I've met through e-coursing! :)
Good luck with the mondo beyondo, it's one I've yet to do . . . .
Ann, I'm not sure whey it took me so long to get here but I really love your blog and your writing. Wasn't it nice to have the Reverb 10 prompt to take the opportunity to acknowledge the awesome Unravelling tribe? So happy to be part of it with you!
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