I've never really liked that saying. I'm not sure why I don't like it. I believe it, but I also find it irritating. Nevertheless, it's here! School started today. My youngest child started high school. Does it make me sad? I am surprised to discover, only a little. She is very mature and very ready for the transition and I am looking forward to her exciting journey. The first day of the rest of her life begins today and so does mine! All of those things I've been putting off all summer are waiting to be addressed. Damn! No more excuses. Ok, so what was it I was going to do with myself? Oh, yeah!
I'm going to Makeunder My House, Destuckify My Life and Blog My Way, as well as schedule regular dates with my husband, cook healthy meals, lose weight, exercise, check with the bank about refinancing the house and remodeling it, read a book a week for the rest of the year, write my morning pages before everyone wakes up, start waking up earlier, start welding again, have new carpet installed in Sofie's room, take a painting class, post to my blog five days a week, throw my own set of dinnerware, update my ipod, photograph and price the vintage jewelry waiting to be sold, get that picture of my mom on the camel blown up and framed, wash my car, plan the itinerary for our Chicago trip next month, take the sideboard to the resale shop, get my nails done and find my daughter a blue jean skirt long enough to be acceptable to wear to school. Hmmm?! No wonder I keep avoiding my list.
What an exciting time you have ahead - it sounds like your youngest is more than ready for this next stage of her life and it's good to hear you've got lots of things planned for yourself that you've been putting aside. I've signed up for the Blogging My Way course too - should be fun!
Whew! What a list! Talk about a super mom in action! I admire your organizational skills and ambition.
What an exciting time you have ahead - it sounds like your youngest is more than ready for this next stage of her life and it's good to hear you've got lots of things planned for yourself that you've been putting aside. I've signed up for the Blogging My Way course too - should be fun!
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